15 July 2013

-step by step LV

step by step - Limtek Victoria Poem                      STEP BY STEP
I am not born with a Silver spoon in my mouth
And my predecessors Neither were for sure!
I have nothing to boost of as my own when am in or out
show me the way show me the cure
He that inherits is a bad piper and his vocals so poor!
people do not dance to his tunes and don't sing along any more!

teach me how to play the pipe
teach me how to be a good vocalist
i don't want to be a ventriloquist
starting from the bottom atleast
i know am heading way up to the top
and starting from the top
you know you are heading down
For to climb a tree you don't start from the middle or the top
A step by step process like growing up
You can't break the rule.
But I am trying to break the law of gravity
By going up and never to come down
Limtek Victoria Poem

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